About HSI

We are the only organization focused on reducing preventable infections and deaths by interrupting the transmission of microbes via contaminated surfaces in the healthcare environment.

The Healthcare Surfaces Institute, a division of ISSA, is a cutting-edge collaboration of thought leaders who work together to evaluate and understand all aspects of the role surfaces play in transmitting pathogens that cause infection, illness, and death in healthcare settings.

Together, this group combines their collective understanding of patient care processes, insight into human behavior, microbiology, cleaning and disinfection, and infection prevention. Our goals are to create protocols and develop solutions to bring about the change necessary to address the rampant spread of healthcare-associated infections via surfaces.

Our Initiatives


Educate on the complex issue of surfaces and HAIs. Our educational programs give insight into this complexity and provide guidelines, recommendations, and resources to support changes.

Surface Selection

Provide selection criteria that empower healthcare professionals in choosing surfaces and products that support their infection prevention guidelines and protocols.

Surface Testing Standards

Support manufacturers during the design of products to identify surfaces that can be effectively cleaned and disinfected without damage.

Bring Everyone to the Table

Create a platform for communication to understand the challenges and real-life needs within the healthcare setting.

A Collaborative Effort

Finding solutions to the spread of infections via surfaces requires an understanding of all contributing factors. For this reason, HSI is a collaboration of key experts and decision-makers from:

  • Healthcare
  • Infection Prevention
  • Facilities Management
  • Environmental Services
  • Manufacturing and Engineering
  • Regulatory Agencies
  • Academia
  • Microbiologists
  • Occupational Health

Each of these specialists focuses on scientific research and creating measures, metrics, and guidelines, as well as outreach and educational programs to reduce preventable infections by interrupting the transmission of microbes via surfaces.

How We Started

In 2015, the first Healthcare Surfaces Institute Annual Summit was held (originally called the Healthcare Surfaces Summit). We gathered experts from infection prevention, facilities management, environmental services, manufacturing, academia, research, and regulatory agencies.

The Institute began with 10-minute lightning talks from each of the experts, who were asked the same three questions:

  1. What are the top 3 issues related to the spread of infection via environmental surfaces?
  2. What are the hurdles to success?
  3. What should be done immediately?

As each person presented their answers to questions, it became clear not all aspects of the problem were being evaluated and addressed. Therefore, sustainable solutions were not being realized.

Those in attendance identified areas of work for the Institute to address and “Initiative Groups” were formed to develop solutions, best practices, and research hypotheses to support the development of scientific evidence-based best practice recommendations that support policy and regulatory change.

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Please consider becoming a member or exploring corporate sponsorship through your workplace today.

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