Every 5 minutes, a patient dies from a healthcare-associated infection

Surfaces transmit microbes that cause deadly infections and are a serious risk to patient safety. The Healthcare Surfaces Institute, a division of ISSA, is dedicated to stopping this hidden threat.

Participate in an HSI Research Survey on IFUs

We are collecting data about challenges healthcare professionals face when following IFUs. This data will be instrumental in supporting changes in the way manufacturer IFUs are written and enforced.

Take our 5-minute survey and play a crucial role in this important initiative.

The 3 Pillars of HSI

One of the primary ways microbes move within a healthcare setting is via surfaces, yet most infection prevention strategies overlook surface safety issues beyond cleaning. 

The Healthcare Surfaces Institute, a division of ISSA, is taking action to change how surfaces get designed, manufactured, installed, and maintained to reduce the spread of HAIs significantly. Our work, research, and educational outreach are focused on The 3 Pillars of HSI.

Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) occur when pathogens infect patients via contaminated surfaces

people get HAIs every year

people die yearly from HAIs and many more live altered lives that require ongoing medical care

1 out of 25

patients will acquire a HAI during their hospital stay

Latest News & Work

Photo of a computer showing a research survey

Participate in an HSI Research Survey on IFUs

This data will be instrumental in supporting necessary changes in the way manufacturer instructions for use (IFUs) are written and enforced. Your participation will contribute to our advocacy for critical changes that enhance clarity and effectiveness in healthcare practices. Take the survey now...

Apr 16, 2024

Disinfectant Compatibility Testing Clarifies Need For Better IFUs

In many cases, equipment damage or malfunction stems from disinfectant incompatibility or misuse. Failing to adhere to IFUs regarding concentration or contact time is often to blame. However, even strict adherence to IFUs may not prevent equipment damage due to disinfectant incompatibility. This puts healthcare facilities in a difficult position.

Mar 19, 2024

Why Surface Materials Matter in Health Care Settings

A new eye-opening, peer-reviewed article in the American Society for Microbiology by HSI Executive Director Linda Lybert and HSI Scientific Advisory Board member Dr. Rodney Rohde: "A healing environment can’t be achieved unless it can be effectively cleaned and disinfected. So how do we move this needle?"

Feb 1, 2024

microbiologist looking at a slide in a microscope

It’s Time to Stop Ignoring the Root Causes That Support HAIs

Looking at recent headlines, the same old news is here again – HAIs and AMR are increasing and nothing new is being done. By failing to address the root causes, we hinder effective solutions to this problem. HSI has identified these issues and we are shining a spotlight on them!

Jan 15, 2024

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